
110301 2 workshops in a day almost killed me. Conferences, workshops, work, emails... I'm dying..



110302 Very busy but since someone is treating, hee hee.. Thanks to E for the treat!!



110303 Woke up at 5+, took bus at 6+ and reach office at 7.15am.



110304 A day that ended quite surprising (for me) and gloomy for Unker K (I guessed)..



110305 Niece is in the house for day 2. She is really a killer.



110306 Niece in the house day 3. Met Yan in the afternoon and when I'm back, she gave me headache again. Kept wanting to watch ga ga videos, then play with the fo zhu then wants me to bring her gai gai. Faintz! Totally cannot work!!



110307 We appeared in the newsletter!! Also met DS for lunch to celebrate her birthday. It has been a long time since we met. Dont worry, just ring me up whenever u want..



110308 Niece finally going home today. She looked moody. I'm also very tired. I'm ignoring her and she too ignored me. -.-



110309 Last!!



110310 Frustrated with the work. I hated doing what I am doing now!! Thanks to M for bringing me snacks. =) And yeah, I bought lots of chicken essence to perk me up.



110311 It's finally Friday. Time for some snacks. Thanks to new collg for the cheesecake kitkat. We were chatting about Japan then but sigh.. bad things happened...



110312 Pri Sch gathering!! Isnt it great to still be able to gather after graduating for 17 years?! Well.. all the gathering photos will compensate for the lack of class photo last time..



110313 Stayed at home work and watch the Jap show. Horrible. The people were eating like mad. 80+ dishes!! Faintz!!



110314 Things are getting bad in Japan. The nuclear plant exploded. My Jap boss... Thanks to Q for helping me check his safety!



110315 Thanks to M for buying me the gong cha from Novena and delivered it to my desk!! My 1st time drinking it!! Not bad! It's Alisan Milk Tea with 50% sugar. Nice!



110316 Received two coupons today following the $1 burger in BK. Is that what we said in Econs price wars?



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